Data Driven Instruction

Columbia will establish a system for weekly data meetings, which will use analysis protocols to inform and alter instruction to continuously meet the needs of our students.

1. Beginning of year, use Fall Discovery/NMSBA data to target individual and whole group needs of students.

2. With suggestions/recommendations from Principal, AP, IS and grade level team, identify individual and whole group weaknesses and strengths and determine appropriate interventions and instruction (through intervention flipbooks, IS, Team, AP and Principal recommendations).

3. Using the data and team discussion, write an Instructional/Intervention Plan. Plan will list data and interventions for students- with notes and evidence of success of plan. Bottom of plan will have a “Commitment Statement” which will state teacher’s commitment until the next data meeting. Plan will be followed throughout the day and particularly during Conceptual Refinement time block.

4. Plan will be emailed to team, AP, Principal and IS.

5. Principal, AP, IS will monitor and support teachers during instruction and Conceptual Refinement, using the Intervention Plan that is inside door.

6. Principal, AP, IS will schedule times to meet with teachers to give constructive, specific, meaningful feedback

7. Standard data forms (based on CFAs and Discovery probes and interims will be developed.

8. Expectation that teachers will come to data meetings with form completely filled out.

9. Principal, AP, IS and Team will review individual intervention plans, along with current data and discuss whether or not the interventions/instruction was effective. Teacher will discuss success and failures and commitment statement.

10. New intervention/instructional plans will be filled out based on new data and new Intervention Plans will be developed.

11. Cycle will continue.

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